Dementia Cafe – making a difference

The Dunmow Dementia Cafe recently celebrated its first birthday, and in the past year it has grown from being a small pilot group for a few people into a thriving social, peer-support group that has outgrown the Uttlesford Community Hub and now has to meet in a day centre with room to grow – such is the demand for the group and the community hub that it has become.

We have been very grateful for the support of funders that has made the weekly sessions possible, and this year has stretched to allowing us to run out first outing.  On Monday the group went to Anglesey Abbey where they enjoyed the National Trust property and gardens, and made good use of the cafe and the ice creams!    We would like to express our sincere thanks to Dons of Dunmow who donated their coach and services for the day, which was a huge boost for the group.

One of our groups members, John, has written the following poem which we feel shows the importance of creating safe and nurturing community hubs in Uttlesford.


Sometimes I sit and wonder, now that I’m 95

Is it the Dunmow Dementia club that has kept me still alive?


I get up in the morning to sharpen up my wits,

I get the daily papers and read the new obits.

If my name is missing I know that I’m not dead,

So I enjoy a damn good breakfast and crawl back into bed.


But come a Monday morning, oh dear here comes the rub,

I have to get up early to attend this dementia club.

I always get there early, as I always like to think

That one of the lady helpers will treat me to a drink!




The Dunmow Dementia Cafe meets weekly on a Monday at the Rowena Davey Centre, Chequers Lane, Dunmow.   Full details here.


We also want to express our appreciation to the volunteers who have really taken ownership of the group and helped it to flourish.   Thank you!

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