An afternoon of entertainment including stand up comedy from John Ryan who addresses the serious business of health in an engaging and amusing way
Hosted by BBC Essex DJ Ronnie Barbour this event looks at the funny side of men’s health whilst offering the opportunity to find out more about local activities to help you get active and stay healthy
“Don’t just sit there” is being brought to you by the Essex Shed Network and West Essex Sheds hosted by Maldon and District CVS and CVS Uttlesford and is supported by the Centre Supporting Voluntary Action in Chelmsford
Calling all men! – find out more about staying well and have a laugh and a free lunch at the same time #dontjustsitthere
Don’t just sit there is an exciting event taking place just to mark Men’s Health Week 2018.
Taking place on Monday 18th June from 12:30pm the event will feature stand up comedy from John Ryan who addresses the serious business of health in an engaging and amusing way.
Includes a professional pop up panel, listen to a series of professionals explain themselves in just four minutes, take part in a real warm up event and talk to local people about what’s going on in your area.
Ticket includes lunch!
Monday 18th June 201812.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.
The Transition
Anne Knight Building
City Park West
Book online at
If you have any questions about this event please contact Hamish on 01621 851891 or email