Charity Digital Code of Practice

An assessment tool has been launched to help charities test how well they are embracing digital innovation

The tool is designed to be used alongside the Charity Digital Code of Practice, which launched this week to offer advice to the sector on how to improve their digital capabilities.

The aim of the Charity Digital Code Quick Assessment Tool is to help charities find out within minutes where they stand on standards laid out in the code and which area of their work is most likely to benefit by focusing on digital.

Areas covered in the code include leadership and involving stakeholders in digital innovation.

Digital Collective, a group of digital specialists who work within the charity World Vision UK, together with digital fundraising organisation Hubbub, have developed the tool.

“By allowing charities to see where we stand both in respect of each other and in respect to our own agreed best practice, I hope that the quick assessment tool will help charities to start having the conversations needed at a senior level, which will deliver the kind of transformative growth into the sector that, so far, we’ve really only seen digital deliver in the commercial sector,” said Martin Francis Campbell, World Vision Chief Information Officer, Digital Collective Chair and Charity Digital Specialist at Hubbub.

Digital is more than just websites and marketing

He added: “As charities, we often focus digital thinking on the nuts and bolts of websites and marketing, and can miss the bigger opportunities presented by adopting digital at the heart of the organisation.

“I’m really pleased to see that the charity digital code is focussed around leadership, strategy and culture.  In the transformation that I’m leading at World Vision, it’s on those areas that we’re focussed most sharply, and where we’re already seeing the results of effective digital thinking.”

The tool also asks participants to include their submission into a benchmark report, which will track how the charity sector as a whole is performing.