A partnership led by CVSU and funded by DCMS will create a new programme across rural West Essex training older people as “digital boomers”
Registered charity CVS Uttlesford is one of three projects to receive a share of £400,000 of digital inclusion funding. The aim of the CVSU project is to help older people become more tech confident and retain their independence for longer. This will be achieved through the creation of four Smart Homes across West Essex, creating live showcases of the ways in which digital devices can make life easier, help people to retain their independence and be both educated and entertained. Visitors to the homes will be supported to develop their tech skills by a bank of sixty volunteer “Digital Buddies” who will provide training sessions and coaching.
CVS Uttlesford is partnering with Rainbow Services Harlow and Epping Forest Voluntary Action to deliver the Digital Buddies scheme, with twenty volunteers being recruited in each district. They will be supported by a Digital Project Worker in each district, and the whole 12 month programme will be led by a Digital Project Coordinator based at the Community Hub in Dunmow. Supporting the three CVS organisations are ReThink Partners who in 2018 conducted research into the use and adoption of technology by older people and have been instrumental in developing the case for support as part of the bid.
For more information on Digital Buddies and our Smart Homes, contact CVS Uttlesford CEO Clive Emmett – 01371 878400. We will shortly be issuing recruitment details for the staff and volunteer posts.