Green Matters is a gardening project aimed at the vulnerable, elderly and disabled residents in Uttlesford, who have lost control of their gardens
Through the deployment of teams of locally sourced volunteers, these gardens will be fully or partially reclaimed, in order to improve local resident’s health and wellbeing and to reduce the risk of trips and falls
Our first garden transformation was at the home of an elderly lady who has mobility issues and who cannot walk unaided. Sadly her daughter died at a young age, with her marriage ending a short while later. Tragically, her son too died, leaving this resident quite isolated.
Our project lead Mark Ropkins, with support from our volunteers, have made this lady’s garden safe again. We’ve fought back the overgrowth of plants, cut the lawns to a manageable length and with the support of her good and dear neighbours, this lady can now enjoy her garden once again – safely.
If you know someone who would benefit from Green Matters the contact Mark on
Phone: 01371 878400 / 07841632096
If you would like to be a volunteer and be part of the community gardening project then contact us on
Phone: 01371 878400