A new gardening project aimed at the vulnerable, elderly, and disabled residents who have lost control of their garden has launched in Uttlesford
Teams of locally sourced volunteers will help these gardens to be fully or partially reclaimed, in order to improve local resident’s health and wellbeing and to reduce the risk of trips and falls.
Through contact with the volunteers, the aim of Green Matters is to reduce loneliness and isolation, increase a sense of connectedness to the local community and have a positive effect on mental health and wellbeing in the community.
Project coordinator Mark Ropkins will recruit, train and manage the team of volunteers, who will also carry out risk assessments for each intervention and provide feedback which will be used to monitor the success of the project.
If you know someone who would benefit from Green Matters, please contact Mark on 01371 878400 / 07841 632096 or markropkins.cvsu@outlook.com