Recognising our Community Heroes

Uttlesford District Council is keen to celebrate the good work that the district’s army of volunteers does, which is why the council is delighted to announce that it will once again be holding its Community Achievement Awards

Held every two years, the awards give people the chance to nominate those who have given something back to their communities.

The council is now seeking nominations, with awards being made in the following five categories:

A – Service to children and young people

B – Service to the elderly

C – Service to people with assisted living needs

D – Service to the local community

E – Youth initiatives – nominations for young people (aged 15-18) who have contributed significantly to their local community

How to nominate an individual for an award

Nominations must be proposed by town or parish councils, the Council for Voluntary Service, or Uttlesford Volunteer Centre – therefore, members of the community who wish to make a nomination must send a nomination form to one of these organisations for their consideration.

Please note that nominees must reside within the Uttlesford district and have carried out at least five years of voluntary work, except in the case of category E.

Nomination forms are available from Sue Hayden, the district council’s Community Development Officer on 01799 510563, local town or parish councils, the Council for Voluntary Service on 01371 878400, or the Volunteer Centre on 01799 510525.  You can also download a form via

All nominations must be returned to the district council bymidday on Thursday 6 September 2018.

The recipients will be announced at a celebration evening in October.

For further information, please contact Sue Hayden on 01799 510563 or email