man in blue scrub suit sitting on hospital bed
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

Supported hospital discharge scheme

CVSU in partnership with Rainbow Services (Harlow) and Voluntary Action Epping Forest is delivering a pilot project at Princess Alexandra Hospital to support the safe discharge of patients returning to their homes in West Essex

We know that planning for a successful hospital discharge starts at Admission, and as a community organisation there is a part we can play in making those return to home occasions safe and easier for both patients and hospital staff. From arranging for a food parcel to go home with patient, follow up shopping, prescription and welfare checks, installation of keysafes for property access by carers and services, and the provision of hot meals each day – there is a lot we can do to ease the transition.

CVSU is leading on the West Essex Help programme, funded by West Essex CCG for a pilot test and learn phase. Each week we will have a Community Discharge Supporter Worker in the hospital, visiting wards where patients have been identified as being ready for discharge. We will talk with them to establish their needs, and then make the necessary arrangements – which can even include delivery of assistance equipment like walking frames and wheelchairs to their homes. We are also providing a single point of contact for Ward staff to call with requests for help – as often things that seem impossible our Community Responders can accomplish – whether it’s getting a bed downstairs or a dog walked in the absence of the owner!

We are delighted to be working with Princess Alexandra Hospital. The scheme is being mirrored for patients being discharged into Hertfordshire, with our counterpart service being provided by the lovely team at Herts Help.

For further information on Community Supported Hospital Discharge email or call our SPOC on 03333 408218.

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