When local charity Accuro Care Services put a shout out for help with taming the outdoor space our Green Matters team were delighted to lend a hand
For 30 years Accuro have been enabling people to improve the quality of their lives by offering unrivaled services to children, young people and adults with a disability and their families, providing a range of services developed in response to specific, identified local needs. This week they are officially opening their new Head Office at Tocher House, Start Hill and in preparation for the occasion they sought help with tidying up the green spaces at their site. Our Green Matters team led by Mark Ropkins were delighted to lend a hand at this local good cause.
Green Matters is a gardening project aimed at the vulnerable, elderly and disabled residents in Uttlesford, who have lost control of their gardens. Through the deployment of teams of locally sourced volunteers, these gardens will be fully or partially reclaimed, in order to improve local resident’s health and wellbeing and to reduce the risk of trips and falls. While pitching in at Accuro is a little out of the remit of the Green Matters project, CVS Uttlesford who lead the initiative works to support and strengthen the Community and Voluntary Sector in Uttlesford, so we were pleased to help out.

For more information on Accuro and the services they provide please contact them at:
Accuro (Care Services)
Tocher House
Start Hill
Dunmow Road
Bishop’s Stortford
CM22 7TA
01279 87 02 97 or 01279 87 11 33
Out of hour’s emergency phone number: 07856 544543
Email: enquiries@accuro.org.uk