24th to 29th September is Saffron Walden #SafeWellSecure week and CVS Uttlesford will be working alongside Essex County Fire and Rescue Service to deliver a programme of community outreach, asset mapping and workshops and activities
The week of community-based activities will culminate in a free one day Care and Housing Conference running between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at Uttlesford District Council Offices. Tickets can be booked here
Throughout the week CVS Uttlesford will be working with the community teams, fire officers, police officers and volunteers to identify and map community assets from across Saffron Walden. A community asset is anything that can be used to improve the quality of life of local people. It could be a person, a place, a building, a service or a business or community group.
Once the data has been collected, analysed and verified we will be producing and sharing a map of the assets, to create a better connected community.
For more information on SafeWellSecure search #SafeWellSecure on Twitter or visit the ECFRS Facebook page.