Ayesha Lawrence, a United-in-kind coach Epping area has been supporting a range of activities within the Epping Forest area. Ayesha has been working with other organisations to create a community group, reengage people into their community and to make a kinder community. Whilst working with these groups and organisations she met Louise from the Smart Homes project.
Whilst talking and discussing how we could support our communities it occurred to Ayesha she has a client that would benefit from some of the smart homes technology. This client, Monica wants to engage in groups in her community and has been using the walk and talks in her area to meet new people and learn about her area. She suffers from being partially sighted which makes coming out into her community and crossing roads extremely difficult so we have been looking for closer groups she may be able to access without crossing the main roads but this is proving difficult.
Whilst talking, Monica explained how she adapts to be able to continue her hobbies and keep her lifestyle at home. After having a chat with Louise, it became clear that Monica would benefit from a smart home.
Ayesha made the introductions between the Smart Home project and her client, and they are now working on a plan to add improvements to her home to aid her staying at home as long as possible and she is also going to become a Pilot Smart Home so every few weeks she will have Louise arrange visits with other professionals to visit the home and speak to Monica about how these adaptations help, if they do, if they don’t etc.
Monica likes this as it means she will meet different people to build her confidence. She is really looking forward to it!